Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Occupying Class Warfare
Here's my take on class warfare; it will continue to increase because the gamut of classes will continue to widen and the gap between the top quintile and bottom quintile will increase to unseen levels and so on and so on.
The interesting part is why. Unfairness? Probably not as much as the protesters would like to admit.
The bottom quintile performs the same type of jobs with no more specialization or skills required than before and they have received pay increases (albeit a small relative amount of about 1% per decade in addition to the 3% for inflation correction).
The top quintile experienced more opportunities to grow wealth by reinvesting their current wealth a la capitalism while simultaneously earning either a similarly small percentage increase over inflation in income or a much larger increase due to increased competition for their scarce talents and potential for talent growth.
The potential and almost exponential nature of talent growth has been where talent gained more income through greater specialization, adding completely novel skill sets, increasing experience involvement, undertaking more complex endeavors and with an increasing number of unique opportunities to grow their talents.
How? It's all been courtesy of the rapid expansion and adoption of new technologies, expanding fields, and completely unique undertakings.
This has allowed for the gamut of income opportunity to expand with the highest quintile increasing the most while the lowest quintile increasing the least by sheer definition, not by unfairness. The range increases with a hard minimum which forces the maximum to skyrocket. The quintiles adjust accordingly like gas spectrometry and molecular weight. Everything has been chromatic with an actual low amount of volatility although with a seemingly high degree of perceived volatility.
I'm not anti-corporation, but I'm also not anti-labor. I'm pro-truth. If I can see more potential evidence that holds up better for the supposed mass atrocities of class warfare and that has been thoroughly diagnosed and stripped of the biases, then I will be much more likely to extend reasonable credibility to the multitude of theories including those that state that the high-income earners are stealing from the low-income earners. It's probably true to a certain degree, but I do not believe that it goes as far as everyone #OCW'ing seems to think. It's not an iceberg, it's more like a piece of flotsam here and there and at most a flotsam island.
If people want to protest Wall Street because workers on Wall Street are paid too much and so on, then I suggest that they make an honest attempt to go work for Wall Street. I have a feeling that if they gain successful employment in a job they hold contempt for now that the difficulty in the requirements for performing the job, the high number of skill sets, specialization, and education necessary, and so on will astound them to the degree that most of the protest fervor from a priori will simmer down reasonably so, but not all, and rightfully so. I just don't think the atrocities are as bad as they are made out to be.
The Devil's Advocate's Devil's Advocate
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
To Whom
If you could ask anyone in the world a question, what would it be and to whom?
This is akin to narrowing one's choices for three wishes to a hypothetical genie. I can't seem to begin to choose just one person and one question, but I'd probably start with a few very poignant yet deep and pertinent questions with stellar mind-body consciousnesses of the past and present.
I'd ask Jesus of Nazareth what it's like to be the son of G*d.
I'd ask the prophet Muḥammad ibn `Abdullah what it was like to ascend to heaven and meet the former prophets and G*d.
I'd ask Aristotle to wax philosophically on aesthetics and or logic.
I'd ask Siddhārtha Gautama what is the meaning of life, what are the greatest truths to know and follow, and how to find the path to enlightenment. I'd also ask him how it was for him to find his path to enlightenment. What were his trials and tribulations?
I'd also ask Frederich Nietzsche what his deepest feelings are about existentialism and why he had a mental breakdown towards the end of his life. Did it have anything to do with his modes of thought and paths of consciousness that he took in trying to uncover the truths of existence?
As you can see, I do not have a single question nor a single person to inquire. I'd have to take a long time to prepare before I could choose the one person and one question to ask.
This is akin to narrowing one's choices for three wishes to a hypothetical genie. I can't seem to begin to choose just one person and one question, but I'd probably start with a few very poignant yet deep and pertinent questions with stellar mind-body consciousnesses of the past and present.
I'd ask Jesus of Nazareth what it's like to be the son of G*d.
I'd ask the prophet Muḥammad ibn `Abdullah what it was like to ascend to heaven and meet the former prophets and G*d.
I'd ask Aristotle to wax philosophically on aesthetics and or logic.
I'd ask Siddhārtha Gautama what is the meaning of life, what are the greatest truths to know and follow, and how to find the path to enlightenment. I'd also ask him how it was for him to find his path to enlightenment. What were his trials and tribulations?
I'd also ask Frederich Nietzsche what his deepest feelings are about existentialism and why he had a mental breakdown towards the end of his life. Did it have anything to do with his modes of thought and paths of consciousness that he took in trying to uncover the truths of existence?
As you can see, I do not have a single question nor a single person to inquire. I'd have to take a long time to prepare before I could choose the one person and one question to ask.
Hope Is Not A Strategy
What makes you feel hopeful?
When good times come to pass, even when just a single good day occurs amidst a downpour of bad ones. Anytime that you can feel positive about a situation or see it in a positive light irregardless of the negatives, then optimism is ignited by the spark of hope.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Just A Number
Age defines wrinkles. Wrinkles define experience. Experience embodies wisdom. Wisdom expands upon enlightenment.
We all once were young. We all once will perish. We all will age as we live upon this Earth.
Seek enlightenment through all your of experiences no matter how mundane or trivial.
So many issues are of almost equal importance geopolitically these days that I can't name one in particular that is most important. I'd steer closer to global geopolitical issues including power vacuums and spheres of influence, the rising influences and powers of BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China), and the ensuing globalization of the world economies such that a nation-state is no longer simply autonomous working internationally, but that a default of international accord necessitates an increasing cooperation between states for a brighter world future at the very least instead of states focusing soley on internal affairs.
My Golden Rule
There is no religion higher than truth.
So, seek the truth only so long as it is necessary while simultaneously always asking pertinent questions, imagining the possibilities, finding eternal wisdoms through deep introspection, and questioning the why for every source.
Never let your guard down. Trust no one but yourself and a select few who you'd give everything for.
The Perfect Love
The perfect love is the person with the most complete embodiment of everything compatible in both contrast and comparison to yourself such that they have a mind that can uncover all of the hidden mystery and intricacies of life with you for the moments that you are both in love with each other, a body to accompany the mind with the most delicate features and sensual curves worthy of aesthetic appreciations of all kinds, and a soul who's spirit is unbreakable, loving, caring, and extraordinary in every way comprehensible for you such that they will always give you unconditional love, affection, and pure trust for you and in the relationship, so far so, that the love, affection, and trust would extend beyond mere words or meanings, but in undeniable action both in the present and in the future for as long as you are in love, everlasting.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Prohibition: Prohibiting or Inhibiting
Prohibition is clearly working, or is it?
It depends on which side of that coin you are betting on and with what viewpoint you have regarding the deeply rooted question of scheduling substances for the various reasons and why these substances are prohibited in the first place.
So what exactly is the reasoning again?
I could be wrong, but I thought it was because the substances are dangerous either individually per experience, dosage, potential for addiction, and the propensity for abuse and overdose combined with all of the documented ill effects including physiological, psychological, and sociological damages subsequently ensuing for a majority of the population partaking in recreational usage.
So what exactly is the reasoning for making a powerful substance illegal because it is potentially too powerful for the masses to use properly, if at all?
For example, alcohol is still prohibited to those under the age of 21. Is that inherently unfair? If so, at what age does it become fair to prohibit alcohol? And what would be your reasoning for choosing that benchmark age?
One might say that they have declared that in their infinite wisdom reading and writing are too powerful of a device for the masses because they may use it improperly.
Generally speaking, I'd categorize myself as a devil's advocate to the devil's advocate. So, just because the masses of people think something is right (or wrong), doesn't mean it actually is right or wrong. Absolutism might not even exist and this entire world might be subjective and definitely relative, however, that is still in debate in the philosophical circles.
Regarding narcotics and for that matter all substances, there's still many problems associated with even lay-beverages like alcohol and it's a completely legitimate drug just as tobacco is, although with tobacco that's more the nicotine and other additive substances causing the extreme tendency for harm than the tobacco itself. So to use an argument against prohibition, one could begin with stating that legalization isn't exactly working either. Alcoholism is prevalent and moving violations involving persons under the influence occur on a regular and unfortunately many times on a fatal basis. Maybe a hybrid or syncretic system containing a bit of both systemic aspects that work (depending on one's ideology, but mostly to reduce the most harm in all reasonably foreseeable possibilities) would be the best option.
In that person's infinite wisdom, reading and writing might actually be too powerful for us animals, us primates, us hominds, even if we think that we truly are sapien sapiens, but it's not that people may use it improperly, but that at least a significant portion of the population will use it improperly and thusly causing harm. Politicians use words improperly all the time and they wreak a lot of havoc. Adolf Hitler used it extremely well and changed a nation into a industrialized murder machine all just for the sake of power, land, and wealth. For the record, I'm not anti-free-speech nor am I anti-prohibition, but I do believe that there should be reasonable constraints to make sure such power is used responsibly whenever power is unchecked.
For words (or in better terms ideas), there's libel and slander, critique and acclaim, heresy and validation, opinion and fact, fallacy and truth, empiricism and introspect, and so on. For substances, there's controls and measures, laws and enforcement, prescriptions and regulation, social norms and fringe subculture, and so on. Each embodiment of constraints allows for a system to be altered, amended, updated, and improved through iterative cycle after cycle in a very evolutionary and bottom-up methodology.
So, I'm responding to your claim that prohibiting narcotics completely and entirely is not working. To what degree is it not working? And by this particular implementation of prohibition "not working" does that by any means infer that prohibition is incorrect or somehow logically unsound and irrelevant to our culture, society, and progress in preventing harm? Essentially, just because this particular implementation of prohibition is not working does not mean that the principle of prohibition is incorrect.
That also goes for socioeconomic communism (with a lowercase c) whereby theoretically it could work under borderline ideal conditions. All historical implementations of it have gone under extreme scrutiny of those who think it could work with the label of bastardly or corrupted forms where the idea was utilized as a political motivation for gaining power instead of truly liberating the proletariat and bourgeoisie.
So, who exactly makes the constraints?
We, the people, through a framework of society that contains aspects of law, science, logic, and sentiment.
In the best of options, the most educated, wise, centered, balanced, insightful, enlightened, reasonable, moderate, empirical and logical, and those who have taken a full consideration for all ideology should be responsible for the making, implementing, enforcing, and revisiting the required framework as its performance changes through time.
At present, it's a democratic representative republic guided by the latest medical and scientific research in a multitude of disciplines from sociology, psychology, neuroscience, physiology, jurisprudence, and so on. A consensus is reached that would make the most sense both in principle and realistic implementation, but generally it does not and subsequently causes further problems.
So, what are the principles and realistic implementations with the most maximized results for keeping power safe from abuse whether it be words, substances, or weaponry? I'm not sure, but our current system is definitely not fraught without issues, problems, and maybe a crisis or two.
Our current system has remained stagnant and relatively unchanged since its founding a couple hundred years ago, whereby through elapsed time many exploits have been discovered and subsequently utilized to their full potential. This has left us with a tyranny of the election cycle, lobbying, and a lack of competence regarding many of those who are elected. This problem affects many issues including the prohibition on alcohol, the current war on drugs, and more.
Specifically regarding the war on drugs, prohibiting anything that is deemed dangerous including plants that essentially manufacture "dangerous" substances is an interesting dilemma. Knives are dangerous, but they aren't prohibited per se. Certain types are prohibited or heavily regulated because they are more dangerous than others or have a higher propensity to become dangerous. However, anything can be dangerous when used a certain way, but the likelihood and the degree to which something must be intentionally misused or that an item is designed with a certain natural tendency of use is the real issue.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. This would be the mantra for someone who might liken it to the paradigm of narcotics by stating that drugs don't kill people, people kill people. I'm not so sure you can argue it as strongly when drugs distort the mind. Drugs distort the mind which in turn can lead to distorted people harming people whether it be themselves or not both indirectly and directly as a result of their distorted thinking. That's the difference between guns and drugs. Guns do not alter your mind so you are said to be of sound mind when making your decisions to utilize it as a weapon versus target practice on a shooting range. Drugs on the other hand distort your mind, your intelligence, your judgement, your ego, your sense of truth, your sense of reality, and thusly increase your potential for being of sound mind when making any decision whether it's more drugs or something else equally as harmful. Yet both guns and drugs are inherently dangerous and therefore regulated and so on. Guns just happen to be legal, at least to a select few, whereas most drugs are deemed too dangerous completely and are subsequently controlled.
Automatic weaponry and certain types of bombs are deemed illegal because of their propensity and designed natural tendency of use. They are made to kill people and incur vast destruction. Weapons of mass destruction are even illegal to many states by international treaty for the sheer fact that humankind has realized that nothing good can come of their use.
Measuring the collateral damage and using that as evidence for or against an idea has merit, but only in the pragmatic sense. The principles should probably still hold steadfast and remain the guide for the next implementation when changes becomes absolutely necessary as the systemic performance declines.
drug cartel,
drug enforcement agency,
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
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