Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Case for Intelligent Design

Wordle: The Case for Intelligent Design (Saturday, July 21, 2007)Wordle: The Case for Intelligent Design (Saturday, July 21, 2007)Wordle: The Case for Intelligent Design (Saturday, July 21, 2007)

I was a strong believer of the organization by lightning or atomic energy into small basic assembly blocks of computational capability when life began. Now I am less sure, as a computer scientists that understands the Turing machine concept and the architecture of the modern CPU as well as the encoding and complication necessary in information message sending and transcription as well as having a small background in formal language creation and interpretation, there seems to be a few, if not many unanswered questions in the realm of DNA and the information that those intensely complicated molecules contain. Heck, we can't even create a molecule nearly as complex as the DNA molecule. Maybe one day we will have those capabilities, such as within the realms of nanotechnology. I have met Dr. Smalley that came up with the "buckyball" and nanotube ideas. My grandfather used to be the physical plant director at Rice University and he took me to meet with Dr. Smalley as well as see his laboratory in full action. I was young at the time and wasn't totally sure of how important that handshake would be. I was shaking the hand of a Nobel peace prize winner. Someone who's research may lead to the creation of a molecule more complex than DNA itself. We will just have to sit back and see.

With DNA being as complex as it is and richly encoded with information that it is, how on Earth (pun slightly intended) did it come to be of such a strong caliber of force for life? Well, I don't have many answers and this blog entry is more to start the debate and prelude my own research and contemplation about such things, but the following two links have given me enough to question my originally strong held beliefs and assumptions about evolution. I don't doubt that natural selection and survival occurs and that this leads to the evolutionary process, but I now have doubts about the primordial soup and the creation of DNA and the intricate machines contained within the biology of a single cell. What the world needs are computer architects, computer programmers, computer scientists, to analyze the mechanisms and code behind the DNA and to figure out how the device functions. We need to "hack" or in better terms reverse engineer the DNA molecule and code to decipher what really is behind life. Is it an intelligent design or a self-organization that exists throughout the universe such as the Tao in Chinese culture says exists as the strongest unnamed force of all?

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