Monday, October 18, 2010


Origins, originally uploaded by Jason A. Samfield.

What are our origins?

It's amazing that our bodies are built upon technology that has been passed to us through each replication of the DNA strain and through each cell division. Meosis, mitosis, and it continues again.

There is the moment of rebirth when our genetic code is mixed with new code in a grander scheme of hedging the bets for species survival, but is the individual just an illusion and instead we are really a parts of a huge composite structure of machinery that completes the system of divinity?

This thought resurfaced a pensive perspective on the philosophy, storyline, and plot that makes up the chapters of famous and infamous Hollywood trilogy "The Matrix", especially some of the latter chapters that are commonly deemed less popular amongst the masses.

Are we just an experimental device, a mouthpiece for control over the dominion of evolutionary advantage such that our DNA is mixed into a combinatorial cocktail and then reborn anew time and time again for the pure fact of increasing the probability of species survival and thusly letting the natural forces at bay enhance and design our technology?

With all of this illusion and deceiving, it's hard to discern reality from dream, so it comes to light that we are a product of continuous being whereby there has been no end since the beginning. Is this so? And all this where the replication from one system to another has been so seamless that an illusion upon an illusion upon an illusion began to surface seemingly making us distinct individuals, when in fact we are but one grand individual?

There is no spoon, yet there is no divinity. I find this to be simultaneously true and false at the same time, which is blasphemy at its best. There isn't a spoon, it's all an illusion, but yet we do exist, we think, breathe, eat, and live, then where is the divinity? Is it all around us, including us, ourselves, our individualistic entities of existential being?

We are also not multiple beings, but one continuous breed of life that has been spawned, remixed, recoded, reconfigured time and time again just to maintain strength, vigor, and an edge on the competition in this jungle of an environment.

Ultimately, we are one. We are one being, one machine, one system, one divinity. We will not fully become aware of our supremeness nor immortality until we have reached our destination called destiny, but when we do reach it, we will be one, and with that oneness, we will be divine.

La machine parfaite est divinité.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Immiscibility: The Sacred Solvent

A droplet of water; so simple, so pure, so clear, and yet so amazing.

It is the staple of our planet, the life blood of our way, and the lubricant of biology that allows anything on planet Earth to exist. Yet, we take it for granted how grand this molecule really is to us as mortal beings enslaved to our thirst for it.

We absolve our reality assuming that it is just a plain and necessary evil, but not one that is quintessential or even just essential. At times, we deny and repel our desire to be one with it and yet we strain ourselves over our great lengths taken to overcome our addiction to it. When we are parched of it, we quench ourselves with it. It is a simple metaphor that literally plays with our existence in pluperfect form.

And yet the most interesting thing about this mystic liquid, commonly overlooked in everyday discussion, is that we are immiscible to it. Almost everything else in our world is miscible to it, yet that which relies upon it, from organelles to organisms, our chemistry, specifically organic chem, dictates that we are not soluble in all proportions with it.

We might think of it as a godsend, a pillar of truth, a foundation of faith to stand upon and lean into our future with a wonderful stride, we, the organic molecules, crying rivers in search of flowing fluids are mostly immiscible with this wordly water. And so the struggle, the suffering, and the tension of mortal spirits against the way, the tao, or also known as the path, begins and ends with the simple delight and splendid splendor called wicked water.

Pure. Crystal clear. The moderating moisture.

The sacred solvent.

Jewel: The Human Distortion

There is a precious gem in our possession. It's an heirloom of great worth that has been passed down to us from generation to generation for many of generations. It's a priceless jewel amongst us that we are almost undoubtedly unaware about and almost at all times too! It surrounds us and protects us from the great unknowns of the universe. It aspires to keep the mysterious magic alive between us and the mystical moments.

What is it? It's a mere refraction of reality that we take for granted everyday as if nothing like it actually existed. It is our perception of the world. Our human distortion. The human distortion.

Every fleeting glimpse of your life is seen through this changing lens that morphs with our growth as individuals and as a culture of wholly beings. It's a malleable lens that we take with us throughout our life journeys constantly changing it to keep the focus on what we're interested in. If something catches our eye, we change the focal points to that or whatever that we find the most interesting.

Mostly, we are in complete control of the lens, even though the environment shapes us nearly throughout our lives, but we are so dearly unaware of our control over the lens that we generally surrender to its will as if it were an autonomous entity.

I speak of the perceptions and perspectives, the point-of-views and moral compasses, the guiding lights we claim to see. I speak about the philosophic doctrine and rigorous rituals that we repeat and repent with each day. We claim to choose who we are and what we do, but sometimes we see it differently. We think we find ourselves or discover what makes us tick. In fact, both might be correct, or neither at all. It's like the ultimate problem of whether the glass is half-empty or half-full. Do we really have control over our perspective? Do we really own the rights to our movie?

Perceptions are generally not very broad, but very narrow. Even if you are the most open-minded person you think that you know, your perceptions of the world still exist within a box which your subconsciousness has been trying to shut since it was opened at your birth.

The stream of ideas, the sensory overload, the resonating neural networks with some sort of organization garnering the merit as a true intelligence, they are all funneled into our human distortion. We distort the self-image, we dam the stream into lakes and reservoirs of pent up ideas. We place circuit breakers at every turn and corner. We make sure the acoustics of our mind are as sound and silencing as a vocal booth in a recording studio instead of an epic chamber of a Gothic cathedral.

We discern every detail of life through this changing lens that gets morphed, repositioned, and sometimes melted along the way, but we are generally unaware that this shield is there protecting us from the things outside of the box. Not until we claim to have no fear and we knowingly choose to jump outside of the box, in a various number of ways, do we fully understand the full extent of our imprisonment or shall I say containment from the real world. When shall we be free, when we shall cease to be.

When we jump through the doorway to the other side, the veil gets lifted and reality sets in. It's a twisted world and yet marvelously beautiful, however, the deeper we go, the deeper it seems to get. The rabbit hole is a fathomless abyss and the mystery infinite.

Let me give you a fair warning, danger exists outside of the box. Do not attempt to discover the truth alone and definitely don't try to discover it without the proper guidance. It is a wildly wicked world that we are sheltered from, yet with our censoring blinders, it appears tame. Those blinders are but a necessary caveat of life as we know it in order to be shielded from the chaos.

For instance, imagine a carriage ride through a city's central park pulled by a horse sans blinders that gets spooked at every street corner ironically by of all things horseless carriages! The ride would be less than romantic, albeit dangerous and exciting. So, buckle up and enjoy it if you dare to stray from the pack, but simmer down if you choose to merge with the masses and maintain your sheepish status.

This is the aspect of life that abounds us all in a glory from the highest which I call the great human distortion. It's our most beautiful, sacred diamond in the rough. Let's polish her up so that we can see the she-devil in all of her sparkling glory.